Current Members

BFSC members (November 11, 2022):

1. Dr. Kiven Erique Lukong (Founder, faculty, College of Medicine)
2. Dr. Erick McNair (Co-founder, faculty, College of Medicine)
3. Dr. Carol Henry (Co-founder, faculty, College of Medicine)
4. Dr. Humphrey Fonge (Co-founder, faculty, College of Medicine)
5. Dr. Hubert Tote Alimezelli (Co-founder, faculty, College of Medicine)
6. Mrs. Edith Conacher (Co-founder, Staff, College of Medicine)
7. Natalya Mason (Co-founder, Staff, College of Medicine)
8. Mrs. Florence Mudzongo, (Co-founder, Staff, Student Wellness Centre)
9. Dr. Jacob Alhassan (Co-founder, faculty, College of Medicine)
10. Dr. Idris Bare (Co-founder, Resident, College of Medicine)
11. Charlene Brown (Co-founder, Staff, TLSE)
12. Kacia Whilby (Co-founder, Staff, Career Services)
13. Dr. Kathleen Glover (Postdoc., College of Medicine)
14. Dr. Jennifer Nyarko, (Student representative, Pharmacy)
15. Banjo Olaleye (Student Representative, College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Office Staff)

Become a Member

Membership is open to all faculty, staff, administrators, representative of student groups at the University of Saskatchewan who identify as black and who must align with our mission and vision. Lifetime membership is also open to retirees who are committed to supporting and promoting the mission and vision of the Caucus. Non-voting ally membership is extended to any individual, group or organization that subscribes to the purposes and philosophy of the Caucus and supports the furthering of the mission and vision of the Caucus.